ZEN Block-Tangram Puzzle Game Hack Free Cheats Recent Method
Summary Easy rule but fun & relax!
audience Score 33359 Review
Critique First of all... I LOVE this app! I’m a person who uses SO MANY HINTS, and it used to be that you earned 100 coins for watching a video. But they changed it from 100 to 25. Could you please make it that you earn something like 50 coins or 75? I’ve been reading some of the other reviews, I agree and disagree with all. I agree that there are too many adds and that Zen is a very fun, addictive, and challenging game. I also agree that there should be some way to see previous levels. I’m currently on level 933 (Probably not for long) and I’ve noticed that some levels are super easy and that’s why people are deleting it, and some levels are SOOO HARD. I get that these puzzles are challenging your brain and can be very relaxing, but also VERY STRESSFUL. Overall, the game is very good. Some updates should be done and I do recommend Zen for all ages
size 35,18 mB
version Info * changed text
device Ipod Apple
In-App 2000 Coins
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